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  • Writer's pictureThankful Soul Revival

Rockin Steady

We took the week of Thanksgiving off & in my head I wrote a really nice blog about how Thankful I am and what it means to be a Thankful Soul - far too often my mental dissertations don't get translated into anything anyone else can see or read, so my apologies for the absence of a proper acknowledgement of the Holiday and our profound appreciation of it. In short, I'm beyond words grateful for another year of making our music, for the opportunities to play at new venues and share our music with larger and larger audiences. I'm grateful for Bob's relentless and prolific guitar playing & for his insistence that we keep on rockin' steady!

This week at the Revival Studio was another rockin' session. We are building up our set list, in preparation for our show, Friday January 14th at the Main Street Grille, 110 Main St, Broad Brook - we'll be playing from 6:30-9:30 - 3 hours of 'can't take the smile off your face' music --- loads of originals plus we've got a few new covers for ya too. (I'm going to keep you in suspense, so you'll be pleasantly surprised when you come out to hear us...just be sure to wear your dancing shoes!)

We've been working on a couple new joints too, one I already told you about called "From the Sun" and the other smokin' track is called "Run like Hell." You can listen to Bob tear it up on his YouTube page: if you haven't already subscribed to his page, it's a great place to hear new song ideas and stay up to date with his ever changing guitar collection.

This week I'm thankful for family, friends, food and festivities.

What are you Thankful for?

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