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  • Writer's pictureThankful Soul Revival

Thankful Harvest Season

This week we are drilling down & getting ready for Sunday‘s Apple Fest at Browns Harvest 9/26, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Our set list contains no less than 25 songs!! It is such a wonderful eclectic mix of Blues & Ballad, with lots of grit & plenty of grace. Such a testament to Bob’s prolific song writing and Dan & Hugh’s dedication to creating & mastering their parts.

We are well into Virgo season & you reap what you sow, our hard work is paying off! It is a super special feeling to see a full page of paper, with a list of songs that we know & mostly wrote. Each one with a unique sound & sentiment, fined tuned and tastefully arranged to try and provide the best listener experience.

I spent my work day, before practice, at a training about Listening & Communication. I showed up tired but determined, knowing this was our last practice before our gig so no way I wasn’t gonna give it my all. First line of the first song on the list starts with, “There ain’t no rest for the weary…”and as I start singing it, I’m filled with a renewed sense of energy and excitement & started to feel my second wind as I got charged up the healing power of music!

When it comes to basics of communication, the understanding is that only an average of 1/3 of the meaning comes from the words being said, the other 2/3 is nonverbal. So in terms of how we communicate with music I wonder if/how that split changes? My experience with music is that it’s a universal language, that transcends spoken language.

Music can be felt & instantly understood, without any words. Vibrationally we respond to the frequency & feeling. Reminds me of why we made mix tapes and shared them with friends and lovers, to express how we felt beyond our own words. Songs give our emotions a voice.

To sum it up, our Music is our way of sharing our feelings & we are such Thankful Souls every chance we get to play! I hope you can join us Sunday & are also keeping in mind our Oct 23rd show at the Hot Rod Hootenanny. I’m so very much looking forward to a fun afternoon at the farm.

This week I am thankful for New England Apples and for everyone who keeps playing music & is planting seeds of common ground, encouragement & hope.

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